Monday, June 8, 2009

9 Days

My first blog & I'm going to skip all the bull shit & talk because I have a lot to get out..

I've had deaths in my family, yeah.. My best friend switched switched schools before we went to high school, yeah.. But deaths is something you need to be prepared for & move aways that are only 20 min away isn't the biggest deal in the world.

But when you high school best friend/brother is going about 13 hours away for 9 weeks are more with no phone or internet to contact me & everyone else with is pretty hard..

When Aaron moved out of my house unexpectedly made upset. I cried myself to sleep because I wasnt prepared for him to just do it like that.. & when Eric went to Illinois for school, I was a complete wreck. I felt like my parents just up & left me. But I got used to it, but eventually Aaron would come over & just hang out at my moms & Eric decided he hated his school so he came home a lot.. I sound shelish but it worked out for me that way. & for them too..

I thought these last 2 months were about to be cake. Eric lives with me, Aaron comes over, me & Kase reunited basically.... But I kept trying to forget the date, June 17th, 2009.

On June 17th, 2009, I'm going to have to say good bye to a best friend that's leaving Indiana for 9 weeks or more. Everyday in Hyphen (Newspaper class) Mickey, Kasey, & I would sit there & clown, & laugh.. Just trying to make our teacher mad. But then there would always be a little down point in the class period. & that's when Mickey would randomly say, 20 days left, 19 days left, 18 days left. Every day the number got smaller, & now we're on day 9. Next Tuesday, Mickey will be in a hotel, by himself, waiting for the next morning, around 4am & he'll be abording his plane to South Carolina. & it really hit me on Mickey's last day of school. & now, I know, nobody can't fool me. It's offically over until Oct. or Nov. or something.. Only paper & a pen will keep mine & his friendship growning.

I mean seriously where is the "good" in goodbye? Even though I'll see him again, it's not like hes dying or anything, but let's be real for a hot second.

But whatever, all everyone says is it'll be okay, hes not going to be away forever. Well I guess that means you don't understand.

I don't have anymore to say because the more I type about it the more I get mad, and real about things and I'm not trying to hurt feelings or make people feel bad.

I love you Mickey.

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